Red-Stemmed Wild Grape-Vine is a climbing shrub
with branches channelled, rusty-woolly. Leaves are simple, broadly
ovate, sometimes angled, heart-shaped at base, toothed at margin with
teeth hardened at tip, tapering at tip, leathery, hairless above,
rusty-hairy below. Leaf-stalks are 2-8 cm long. Flowers are borne in
dense racemes of umbels, primary branch about 1 cm long, racemes 3-5 x
about 1 cm, peduncles up to 5 cm long, tendrils simple, about 10 cm
long. Flowers are reddish brown, flower-stalks about 2 mm long. Calyx
is saucer-like, entire, hairless. Petals are oblong-ovate, about 2 mm
long. Disc is elongate, covering most of ovary, 5-furrowed. Berries are
spherical, seeds nearly circular in outline, mucronate at base, about 7
x 5.5 mm. Red-Stemmed Wild Grape-Vine is found in Peninsular India and
Sri Lanka. Flowering: March-September.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed at Agumbe, Karnataka.
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